Hummingbirds & serendipitous encounters

Animal mascot for the month:

The Hummingbird.


“In Native American culture, hummingbirds are seen as healers and bringers of love, good luck, and joy.

In Central America, they are a sign of love and will bring love to the person who spots them.

“The hummingbird generally symbolizes joy and playfulness, as well as adaptability.” ~ Google

Some of us have been spotting these around lately. How about you?

It is the season.

They do always seem to bring a sense of joy and playfulness, don’t they!?!

And I love that they also symbolize, for some, the quality of adaptability.

So let this be what we practice cultivating this month, with our hummingbird friends; adaptability, joy and playfulness.

Thanks to our animal teachers.



Potential & Possibility